
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Remember When

Remember when you were a child, and how the year could be broken down into 2 categories? Summer, and Christmas. At least that's how it was for me. Toward the end of the school year, all I would dream about was summertime. As soon as school started, the countdown for Christmas began. Maybe that's because I was always in choir and we started practicing for the Christmas program almost from day one.

As a kid, we really have no concept as to the stress that is always inevitably carried around by adults during the Christmas Season. We see the lights, the trees, the decorations and of course, the gifts. We're told of the Ultimate Gift that God gave us through His Son, Jesus. We watched Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer (I always had to hide my face in a pillow when the Abominable Snowman appeared), How The Grinch Stole Christmas, Santa Claus Is Coming to Town and marveled at the wonder of it all.

As an adult, I've stressed over money, time, the appropriate way to present the holiday to my kids, the commercialization of Christmas and lose the wonder of it all somewhere along the way each season. I start out with wonder. But it seeps out of me with every Target commercial, every Salvation Army bell and with every large heating bill. We have been told that Christmas is about giving. We assume that means turning our pockets out for every trinket, gadget, toy or piece of clothing that comes along.

Every year I resolve to make it simple, real, fun and tasty. This blog is a place for me to write down memories, traditions, recipes, crafts and tips to make this coming Christmas the best one yet. I'm hoping that some of my thoughts and ideas will interest you and that you will in turn share with me as well. My wish for all of us is that we will remember that this season was never meant to be stressful. It's a celebration, of love, family, friends and the birth of Christ. What could be stressful about that?